Tag: team

  • Autonomous Teams: Navigating the Dependency Cycle in Organizations

    Autonomous Teams: Navigating the Dependency Cycle in Organizations

    Introduction Teams’ autonomy emerges as a cornerstone for success and adaptability. This autonomy, however, does not occur in isolation; it mirrors individuals’ journey through the Dependency Cycle—a concept enriched by transactional analysis and Nola Katherine Symor‘s insightful contributions. This article first examines the Dependency Cycle at the individual level, setting the stage to explore how…

  • Building a Cohesive Leadership Team: The eNovance Success Story

    Building a Cohesive Leadership Team: The eNovance Success Story

    The Challenge: Scaling Leadership Beyond Founders In the bustling tech hubs of Paris, nestled within the innovative walls of “La Cantine,” a cloud infrastructure startup, eNovance, was taking shape. Founded in 2009, eNovance began as a founder-dependent venture, a common narrative for many startups. However, as the company’s ambitions soared, so did the need for…

  • Transforming Leadership: A Journey to Empowerment and Innovation

    Transforming Leadership: A Journey to Empowerment and Innovation

    In the heart of France’s vibrant tech industry, a company known for its pioneering work in imaging technology embarked on a transformative journey. A leader in heritage digitization, health wellness imaging, and underwater imaging solutions, faced a pivotal moment in its history. Founded in 1979 and publicly listed since 2007, the company stood at the…